Cosgrove Care recently celebrated Chanukah at one of its services, Arnside Avenue in Giffnock recently. The people supported by Cosgrove Care at Arnside Avenue have learning disabilities, autism and additional needs- celebrating Chanukah is a very important time for them to come to together and enjoy the delicious food and to be with friends and family.
Arnside Avenue provides 24 hour care for 12 people with learning disabilities and additional needs.
Adam Goldberg, who recently returned to Glasgow from Dorset enjoyed playing a key role for the first time in the celebration. Adam is pictured lighting the candle.

‘It is very important that Cosgrove Care supports everyone to celebrate Chanukah and we thank the staff, families and supported people for their participation.’
Colin Black, Co-Chair of Cosgrove Care
The support staff at Arnside Avenue, led by Margaret Rafferty, Assistant Team Lead who work intensively to ensure that everyone gets to take part, regardless of their support needs.
Cosgrove Care are the only provider of supports and services for people who are Jewish in Scotland. The organisation provides person-led support to help those with additional needs live safely in our communities.