The Cosgrove Players are a group of talented individuals with learning disabilities, autism and other support needs who have been working with professional Drama Facilitator, Clare Hume to co-produce and film a performance of Cinderella as part of an exciting project funded by Creative Scotland and through the generous support of the Jewish Community in Glasgow. The Cosgrove Players are people supported by the Glasgow based charity, Cosgrove Care.
The group embarked on an ambitious project to co-produce and professionally film a version of Cinderella to share their story of resilience following the pandemic. This work culminated in a premier of the film at Loks Ballroom in Glasgow in front of an audience of over 120 people- family, friends, funders and politicians and proved to be a great success.
Dr. Donny Lyons, Co-Chair of Cosgrove Care said:
‘It was a privilege to take part in the premier of Cinderella. Cosgrove Care is proud of its record of promoting the rights of persons with disability. One of those rights, quoting from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, is “the opportunity to develop and utilise their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit but also for the enrichment of society.” The actors in the film inspired and enriched everyone who was there. It was an experience I will treasure all my life.’

The Cosgrove Players film was directed by Clare Hume, Drama Facilitator who has worked with Cosgrove Care and our talented Cosgrove Players for 11 years. The film was professionally produced by Helena Ohman. The Cosgrove Players are all people supported by Cosgrove Care who have developed their performance skills, built confidence and performed over several years. The Cinderella performance is the most ambitious work to date. There are 15 members of the group who meet weekly.
The Cosgrove Players, found ways to keep Drama alive during the pandemic. They made the best out of a bad situation. They met for group Drama sessions via Zoom, had Zoom Masterclasses to work on acting skills, some of members even had one-to-one drama sessions in the garden. Many of the group have complex needs and had to shield during the pandemic due to their vulnerability.
Clare Hume, Drama Facilitator said:
‘Cinderella was a production which started, just as the restrictions of COVID were beginning to ease, we thought it would be a joyful way to celebrate being together again. It didn’t quite work out that way. We were allowed to meet but only in small numbers, some of us were still shielding and attending Drama via Zoom. And, just when we thought normality was around the corner, restrictions were tightened again.
Just like Cinderella, we had been faced with adversity but we never gave up. And, just like Cinderella, it all came good in the end.’
The film was very well received by those present and many of the families and Elected Members were moved by the performance and the tale of triumph over adversity. In addition, the film was able to challenge the stigma and discrimination that people with disabilities face, demonstrating their talent, potential and skills.
Cosgrove Care exists to help people with additional needs thrive and achieve through the provision of person centred support. Providing opportunities which allow people the organisation supports to build their skills, talent and confidence makes a huge difference to quality of life and outcomes.
More information about Cosgrove Care can be found on www.cosgrovecare.org.uk where you can also find out how to support the work of the charity.