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Cosgrove Care’s 2020/21 Annual Performance Review

Whilst the main focus of our annual review is to report on activities during the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 it would be an oversight not to acknowledge the significant events that have happened during this year and endure into 2021.

The global pandemic presented huge challenges to the social care sector and for everyone who works within it and receives support. I am immensely proud of how the Cosgrove Teams have responded during this time. The resilience, compassion and determination to do the very best possible has been inspiring and humbling. A spotlight has been shone on the incredible people who make up the Cosgrove family.

The pandemic changed the way we go about our everyday work but is also highlighted and elevated the social care workforce, recognised by the public as Key Workers during this time.

Ordinary people have come forward to help their neighbours, providing help and support and working with us to help the communities we work in. I have never been so proud to work for a ‘local’ charity.

I am very proud to have led Cosgrove Care with the support of an incredible and committed Board and team and committed volunteers. You will read more about just how amazing they all are in this annual review. Our annual review celebrates professionalism, passion and commitment.

There are many unknowns as we move into a time of change for social care in Scotland- how it is commissioned, delivered and how people receive care and support. Whilst Cosgrove didn’t get to celebrate our 60th anniversary in the way that we had hoped, we were able to demonstrate the pioneering spirit of our founder, Carrie Hill in how we responded to the pandemic.

I want to thank everyone who played their part in supporting our work over the last year. I am very very grateful.

– Heather Gray

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