Cosgrove Care held it’s 11th Tribute Concert at Eastwood Park Theatre on 5 November 2023, organised by our faithful volunteer, Richard Kaye and our fundraising team, Pinky Monaghan and Sharon Kaye. The concert featured Elite Elton- a fantastic Elton John tribute act by Derek Clay. We welcomed many friends and supporters of Cosgrove Care and we were especially pleased to have many of our Ukrainian friends join us to enjoy the fun. Cosgrove Care has been working with the Ukrainian community to support people into jobs in social care, providing support to build language skills and skills in social care to create a future in Scotland.
Cosgrove now employs 8 people, offers volunteering opportunities to many more and hopes to continue to do this vital work into the future.

‘ We have been very fortunate to have been able to work with many skilled people from the Ukrainian Community, helping them take up jobs in social care and making a huge difference to the people that we support. We have learned so much and shared so much which demonstrates the unity and strong bonds that have been developed in the last year.’
Heather Gray, Cosgrove’s CEO
It was fantastic to see many of our supported people really enjoy the evening which has helped raise over £3000 to support our work locally. We are very grateful to all our friends, supporters and colleagues for making this event truly memorable.
Donny Lyons, Cosgrove’s Co-Chair