Housing Support
Having a home to call your own can transform your life. Cosgrove has been supporting individuals to live independently for over half a century with important everyday activities including household tasks, health and wellbeing, and managing finances and budgeting.
We provide tailored housing support to help you maintain your tenancy. Here are some of the ways in which we can help:
- Daily living activities such as cooking, cleaning and household tasks.
- Assistance with medications, attending appointments or health reviews, general health, wellbeing, and personal care.
- Finances and budgeting. If you would like we can also become your benefit appointee.
- Attending college, work, voluntary placements and pursuing your hobbies and interests.
- Planning and saving for holidays.
- Maintaining relationships with family and friends and developing new friendships.
- Using public transport and accessing local community facilities.
- Introducing technology to connect and support you.
Unfortunately, we cannot:
- Provide you with accommodation
- Provide respite premises
- Set your budget (Individual care budget)
- Provide cars or transport
- Anything that is out with our registration
If you’d like to find out more about how we can provide support please get in touch.
Meet Graham
Graham is 30 years old is currently supported for 69 hours per week, within one of our Housing Support services.
Graham moved out of his family home and into our service in October of 2013.
He is very close to his mum, dad, brother, sisters and niece and enjoys seeing them regularly with the rest of his extended family.
Graham is a happy smiley young man of extremely good nature and is both caring and good company to be around.
Graham loves being active and his week can consist of many activities such as ice skating, swimming, horse-riding, rollerblading, yoga, cycling and long walks in the park.
Graham’s other big passions in life are food, music, dancing, movies and using his iPad.
Graham uses his iPad to access information and communicate with support staff and help him to plan his days.
Graham’s mum said:
“Cosgrove has provided Graham with an opportunity to be independent and live life to the full.
Our family has peace of mind knowing the staff at his service are committed to supporting him with consideration, compassion and understanding”